Support Groups

BALM is here to support you following the loss of your child. We run face to face support groups across the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area. You can also find virtual support groups by searching in Support Services.

Bereaved Parent Meet-ups

Coming along to a meet up for the first time can be scary, so let’s tell you a little more about them.

Meet-ups alternate between Stamford and Peterborough. You can come to any, but most people just pick the closest one.

The group is for anyone who has experienced the death of a child, regardless of their age. We have parents who experienced late-stage miscarriage and still birth, the death of primary aged children, or adult children in their 20s, 30s or 50s and 60s. There’s no age where they stop being your child, and we’re all united in that loss.

The sessions aren’t about grief work, or therapy. There are not interventions. It’s just a chance to speak to other people openly. You can share as much or as little as you like, and you can talk about the loss or not - there’s no expectation. It’s often just nice to feel like you’re able to talk about anything with people who won’t find some topics off limits - but that doesn’t mean you have to talk about them.

How does it work?

People can join at any stage in their ‘grief journey’ from people who have experienced a recent loss through to people who have been bereaved for years or decades. There’s no time limit to grief, and it can suddenly come out of nowhere. The groups are always here on the first Tuesday of every month whenever the time is right.

Overall, we’re a friendly bunch where there is a surprising amount of laughter. There’s also nice cakes, and in the summer we can sit outside in the sunny evenings to chat.

We can arrange to meet you outside so you have a friendly face and don’t have to come in alone. If you have any questions or would like a chat before hand, drop us an email at

Our upcoming dates and locations are:

5th March 2024 - Stamford, The Pavilion, The recreation ground, Recreation Ground Road, Stamford

2nd April 2024 - Peterborough, Quaker Meeting House, Thorpe Road, Peterborough

7th May 2024 - Stamford, The Pavilion, The recreation ground, Recreation Ground Road, Stamford

4th June 2024 - Peterborough, Quaker Meeting House, Thorpe Road, Peterborough

2nd July 2024 - Stamford, The Pavilion, The recreation ground, Recreation Ground Road, Stamford

6th August 2024 - Peterborough, Quaker Meeting House, Thorpe Road, Peterborough

3rd September 2024 - Stamford, The Pavilion, The recreation ground, Recreation Ground Road, Stamford

1st October 2024 - Peterborough, Quaker Meeting House, Thorpe Road, Peterborough

There is no need to pre book, or to let us know you’re coming. You can come at any time while we’re there, and stay for as long as you feel is right for you. Sometimes we have quite a few people, sometimes not very many. That’s just how it goes. It may take a few times to feel comfortable coming in. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to make that easier.

Talk to Someone

Listening Support: Speak confidentially via Samaritans Peterborough & District

The early weeks after finding out about the death of a child can be overwhelming. Having the space to talk about what you’re going through, and what you might have experienced, can be extremely helpful for some people. In partnership with Samaritans Peterborough and District, you are able to request telephone sessions of Listening Support where you can have the time and space to talk.